USA & Canada Visit - week 2
Posted by david on 28 Oct 2018 in Sabbatical
Week two has seen us in Pennsylvania - in two bases (Reading, then Morgantown) with three venues:
First, a centre for children and adults with learning (and other) disabilities - three schools got together, with around 200 children and staff! It turns out they've been singing lots of the songs for quite a while. Their hospitality was wonderful - we were well loved and cared for.
The second venue in PA was at a church in Morgantown, where we did a mixture of the "Jesus the greatest treasure" songs and a testimony, for church children and their parents. Again, truly amazing hospitality - we had a lovely time with the Pastor and his wife, who showed us lots of the local area, and took us to a spectacular stage performance of the life of Jesus.
Still based with the church in Morgantown, we also went to an Elementary school in New Danville, and did "Jesus the greatest treasure" for 100 children. Great response - they had learnt "Will you sing", which we sang last of all, to their delight.